maryclare.crochiereThis article is more based on the response to disease spread, rather than response to a single emergency event.
This article is more based on the response to disease spread, rather than response to a single emergency event.
The platform has posts that are tagged with varios topics, and each is under one of the following categories: identifing and diagnosing, mananging the dead, caring for the sick, research/clinical trials, preparedness, comminication and engagement. There are field notes, briefings and guides, and background types of posts. These filters allow someone to quickly search for a topic and a type of post so that they can find what they need and read up on a topic before they may be faced with a similar situation. If you have information you want to post, you can email in and they will post it.
" For decades, those who study the determinants of disease have known that social or structural forces account for most epidemic disease. But truisms such as “poverty is the root cause of tuberculosis” have not led us very far. While we do not yet have a curative prescription for poverty, we do know how to cure TB."
"The debate about whether to focus on proximal versus distal interventions, or similar debates about how best to use scarce resources, is as old as medicine itself. But there is little compelling evidence that we must make such either/or choices: distal and proximal interventions are complementary, not competing"
" By insisting that our services be delivered equitably, even physicians who work on the distal interventions characteristic of clinical medicine have much to contribute to reducing the toll of structural violence"
It is part of the ebola response, but does not disclose any sources of funding.
The system may be difficult without internet, downloading every article could be tedious. If there aren't any articles that are tagged with what the user is looking for, that would also be difficult.
The authors cite their own previous work and how rates of diseases and deaths changed. They also researched other programs and studies, similar to their own but in different areas or working on other issues. They also familiarized themselves with how things work within a physicians office - how diseases are presented, how promininent social issues may be, and other factors that the physician might see.
There are several "platform steering group members" that are listed as members of the site. There are also some anthropologists from the Institute of Development Studies, as well as members from other universities.
It uses RSS, and shows some coding that an individual with any coding background would likely understand. I have absolutely no coding experience.
When community factors such as transportation and insurance status were minimized as factors preventing HIV/AIDs care, the playing field was leveled within a few years. No longer were those issues much more often seen in the patients that did not survive, rather, they were seen more evenly in those that did and did not survive.
Combining clinic treatments with home-visits and prescription drug deliveries has been found to be most effective for treating all people, regardless of social factors, in places from rural Africa to Boston, MA.
Mutli-faceted approach in rural areas were most effective and able to dramatically reduce Mother-to-Infant-Transmission of HIV. This requires more resources and organization, but it takes care of the issue most efficiently in areas that are very poor and have very rudimentary infrastructure, even worse than in poor cities.
The web platform was made for socail scientists and ebola control workers, so that they had a way to communicate, share stories, and review information from other cases. They also serve as an advisor in this way, for the responders as well as volunteer organizations going abroad to help.