Exemplary Quotes
margauxf“This mapping capacity not only enables examination of information based on objective (based on empirical evidence), comparable (quantitative), and visualizable (mapped) terms, it also puts this information in front of the analysts and decisionmakers in a form they cannot ignore.” 7; HOFFMAN, community science model: “In his mind, this model consists of (1) serving as a focal point for bringing together community residents, scientists, and policymakers; (2) serving to generate knowledge that can be a catalyst for change; and (3) developing methodologies and products that can be scalable—particularly for neighborhood use. The visualization of the problem through redlining maps is critical. … EJ at its core is about the spatial distribution of environmental benefits and burdens. Winling described redlining as the Rosetta Stone that unlocks an understanding of the spatial organization of most American cities. It “most definitely created a template” that would be built out over generations.” 15