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The article discusses the cares and the decisions made in regards to patient care at a hospital during hurricane Katrina. A team of doctors decided to euthanize several patients who were suffering and likely would not receive care or live much longer anyway. While, the team of medical professionals made this choice morally and to relieve the patients of their suffering they are still subject to malpractice claims and breaking protocol. The article suggests a disconnect between those working in the field alongside patients and those making rules and regulations. 



This article address emergency response and public health in that providers are there to help patients and releive suffering and in doing that, specifically in times of crisis protocols are broken and morals come into play a little more. In this article a doctor euthanized suffering patients who may or may not have been rescued from the hospital during hurricane Katrina. 



"Anna Pou, defended herself on national television, saying her role was to “help” patients “through their pain,” a position she maintains today"

"The laws also encourage prosecutors to await the findings of a medical panel before deciding whether to prosecute medical professionals. Pou has also been advising state and national medical organizations on disaster preparedness and legal reform; she has lectured on medicine and ethics at national conferences and addressed military medical trainees"