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Emily Goldmann, PhD, is a Reserach Professor at the NYU College of Global Public Health. She's an epidemioloigist and enjoys the study of the causes of mental health conditions. She's trying to spread the study of mental illness to a global scale. She studied at Columbia University and recieved her PhD from University of Michigan. 

Sandro Galea, MD, DPH, is a Dean at Boston University. His work focuses on causes of brain disorders and sociological effects on urban population's health.


  1. "Having the capacity to continue functioning after a traumatic event is common and characteristic of normal coping and adaptation"
  2. "The first challenge lies in identifying the correct sampling frame, which generally comprises all persons affected by the disaster. The sampling frame may be even more difficult to identify in natural disasters, when the geographic area of impact is larger and less defined."
  3. "These studies can help us understand what factors are associated with different courses of mental illness, which can help us identify the most vulnerable populations and inform tailored interventions"