wolmadThe focus of this article is on the inequities in public health focused on the group of amerindian canadians and the long term inequties in their mental health care, leading to repeated health crises.
The focus of this article is on the inequities in public health focused on the group of amerindian canadians and the long term inequties in their mental health care, leading to repeated health crises.
The Royal Commission on Aboriginal People
Canadian Parliment
Health Canada
First People - First Person Hub
Amerindian populations in Canada have been plauged with mental illness and suicide for many decades, and even though there were studies done and extensive research available, there was very little done to respond to this crisis, allowing it to keep reoccuring.
Amerindian populations in Canada have been plauged with mental illness and suicide for many decades, and even though there were studies done and extensive research available, there was very little done to respond to this crisis, allowing it to keep reoccuring.
Research for this article was drawn mainly from other online sources such as news articles and youtube videos, and new research conducted by the author such as interviews with officials and locals in the affected areas.
I looked further into Canada's health system, the Indian Act, and indigenous population centers in canada.
"Within the last 12 months, there have been multiple "crisis" states declared in Indigenous communities across the country, including even the entire territory of Nunavut—where 84 percent of the population are Inuit. Canadians have begun to ask what exactly is happening, but we should already know."
"What do you find 20 years ago? The same conversations we are having now about suicide. The same
conversations we are having now about the lack of mental health. The same conversations that we are
having around socio economic development,"