jaostranderThe Red Cross targets people to help who are suffering from a disaster.
The Red Cross targets people to help who are suffering from a disaster.
The American Red Cross has about 900 branches, and each club has duly authorized by national council. The chairman of the clubs have authority of deciding the most important programs and services.
The Red Cross is primarily funded by donations and the government offers some support.
The Red Cross has chapters scattered across the United States and also provide care to international disasters.
The Red Cross is seen as a positive in the public eye as a positive organization for the most part; however, there has been some negative news articles.
The Red Cross was started during the Civil War to provide care to wounded soldiers.
Volunteers for the Red Cross can be certified in CPR, AED, CNA, First Aide, EMT, or life guarding.
The Red Cross strives to help those in need in a time of a disaster, whether it be blood drives, supply, drives or personell.