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Alexi Martin

THe main findings/arguments in this article is what is humantiariasm in the face of sexual violence. How sexual violence became the perfect goal for human rights activists (medical outreach) to address. The article explains human rights movements in African countries and exemplifies what happens to those who live in war strewn countries; how sexual assualt and rape are crimes, specifically to women and the questino if men and those who are transgender are excluded and how to fix it.


Alexi Martin

This article has be referenced/discussed through those looking at gender in the role of humaity by groups who are human rights activists, those who treat people in third world areas. As well as an international outreach website that supports treatment of those who have been abused.


Alexi Martin

The author us Mirim Ticktin, she is an associate professor of anthropology at Stanford University. Her research focuses on what it means to make poltical claims in the name of a universal humanity. She is professionally situated in respect to emergency response because she researches humanity and how to treat those who experience violence, specifically sexual violence in terms of gender.


Alexi Martin

This article has be referenced/discussed through those looking at gender in the role of humaity by groups who are human rights activists, those who treat people in third world areas. As well as an international outreach website that supports treatment of those who have been abused.


Alexi Martin

"MSF argued in their essays on the Congo that one reason for not taking rape seriously was that women who had experienced sexual assualt were not ideal subjects of aid; since they could not be easily identified with images of innocence."

"It seems that MSF workers assumed that sexual violence would bring aparticular soft of share, greater than that accompanying other forms of violence or brutaility; and therefore should be kept in a quiet, confidential, in the private relm"

"The question is how exactly a humanitarian response shares what constitutes sexual vioelnce and who 'gets sick' with it, particulary when humanitarism plays an increasingly important role in governing crisis zones."


Alexi Martin

The methods to produce the arguments in the report include taking direct evidence and using its information to explain the issue of rape and how it became a more popular issue in the medical community. Statements of general information and explanation are also provided with direct quotes as evidence. The article also includes explained acounts of how rape is treated by the medical community in African communities.


Alexi Martin

Three points I followed up on to advance my understanding of emergency response was how other countries report and treat rape, rape as a war crime- is it treated or ignored and in what countries, and incidents of sexual violence that get reported and treated, and further care ( how to help others immediately) and how to respond to these events.


Alexi Martin

Three ways the argument is supported is through explanations of what humantarism is and its types and explaining the backround of sexual violence and how it is the perfect scapegoat. The article uses MSF's history of treatment in the Congo and toher countries and points out the high incidients of rape. The artilce also uses meetings and quotes that describe sexual violence as a staple issue to explain the argument.


Alexi Martin

The article's worked cited is extensive, this indicates that the article is highly researched and supported and that the article is valid. The research rticle took time to produce and is an important cornerstone of researching about human rights speficially gender and humantarism