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Alexi Martin

It brings people/organizations to face the hiding problem and improve because seeing actual statistics and the reality of what happened makes people want to act. Facts cause people to realize what had not occured, so the improper handling of hospital/evacuations will never happen again-people lost their lives. The government will realize they need to have more personalle available, as well as supplies and to control how their personalle treat others. Katrina shaped how emergency medical care works today, as every disaster is a teaching method of what to do and not to do in the future.


Alexi Martin
Annotation of

I found hearing the patients' stories and the doctor's effort to help others even though there was no resources to be most persuasive and compelling because despite the fact that both patient and doctor knew that long term care was slim they both tried to have hope in treatment, the patient's prayed for recovery, while the doctors pulled strings to get patients who really needed the care or the shelter to be a priority. I found it inspiring that even in a messed up system both parties tried to make the best of the situation.


Alexi Martin
Annotation of

The film suggests to change the healthcare system in America. Perhaps by providing universal healthcare to those who are in need, or allowing public hospitals to provide patients without insurance some form of care. Everyone has the right to be seen and treated.


Alexi Martin

This report has travelled because it has been referenced on many government websites, it is used on other websites that talk about Katrina and its effect of healthcare during disasters as well as future preperations. Health officals are mentioned in the article, so I presume that it is cited by other health professionsals somewhere, but no direct reference could be found.


Alexi Martin

The implications this report has for technical professions is the report is an example of what should not occur, more proper prep should have occured. The government distrubted food should have been protected and been on site for the incoming storms. Hospital's should have been evacuated days earlier, the report serves as a warning of what not to do if a storm this stron occurs again. Technical professionals should use this report as advice on what to do in the future. The impact of the healthcare professionals was good, they used their knowledge to the best of their ability-they determined the resources needed to increase.


Alexi Martin
Annotation of

The stakeholders of the film are wanting to be treated, but having to wait hours to be seen and maybe months afterwards for an appointment, even if their conditions are life threatening. Patients who are in severe pain may not have the option of surgury because they do not have a way to pay for it, or they cannot afford the medications for example. Each patient potrayed in the film did not have a job or had a job, but they could barely afford housing, let alone insurance. The patients needed to make decisions on whether they could deal with things on their own (like the man on dialysis who stated he would rather die then experience the wait again), or the man in his 20s who had the tumor on his testicle, who said he would find the money because he needed the treatment.