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This policy protects EMS and firefighters, a group not often considered a vulnerable population but often has to go into situations in which they are vulnerable to attack on very little information. The ability to defend themselves, although the policy specifically states that this is not an effort to stop sending police to medical and fire calls, can reduce the risk of responding to calls in areas that are known to be dangerous.


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This policy has significant implications as to the future of EMS and fire response, if it became common to carry firearms while on duty. While there are safety benefits, and EMS personnel in Bethel Township say they are also more confident knowing they could defend themselves, it is important to recognize that police have extensive training and protocols on when and how to safely use their firearms. Police should still respond to EMS calls if there is any suspicion that the scene may be unsafe. Additionally, the knowledge that calling an ambulance also means calling several people who may be armed could negatively affect the public opinion of EMS. EMS is here to help the public, and for this to be successful those in need have to feel safe calling 911.


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If this policy gains support, it can spread to other agencies and allow for many people to be armed on medical scenes. This can negatively affect the image of EMS, as people are already upset with the police. All it takes is one bad incident, and suddenly all EMTs will be painted negatively. Its a slippery slope.