rramosThis report is about an initiative taken by the government to rectify a century's worth of pollution dumped into the Passaic River and the means used to do it.
This report is about an initiative taken by the government to rectify a century's worth of pollution dumped into the Passaic River and the means used to do it.
The Jersey shore especially was vulnerable to a storm of this capcity, and showed how unprepared for the storm they were after the clouds settled. The boardwalk itself was obliterated and homes and roads were floodded. In New York, most train tranporttaion was halted as many of the lines had to undergo maintenance to bring it back to operating status.
This affected the living conditions and lifestyls of many people who were attacked and destroyed by hurricane Sandy.
people had to find higher ground and move away from water, or large bodies of oceans. After the hurricane, communities and groups of individuals helped rebuild their homes.
The numbers and totals on the damage done by the hurricane were given out by total occupied after the storm had hit. Most importantly then the numbers, the pictures of the storm before/after is what occupied the whole research. More then words the pictures spoke on how big this really was, and then the numbers of the damage were also given which made it complete on how big of a damge this had really caused.