I’ll work with Tim Schütz to build a Zotero bibliography and digital collection of research, news and commentary focused on connections between COVID-19 and environmental injustice -- for use in fall teaching (in a lower division undergraduate class, “Environmental Injustice”). This will support the COVID Community Case Study Assignment in the COVID-19 Ethnographic Portfolio Project.
I’ll also work with Tim to build a digital collection focused on COVID-19 in St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana (USA), a COVID-19 and environmental injustice hotspot. This collection will contribute to our set of place essays. It also will be part of a digital tour of St. John the Baptist Parish that we are designing for students, collaborating with the Whitney Plantation, a rare (if not singular) plantation museum focused on and honoring the lives of enslaved people. The chemical plants in St. John the Baptist Parish were built on the foundation of sugar plantations. We hope to build a powerful case demonstrating both compound vulnerabilities and ways racism and injustice are historically produced.