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  • "Most organizations have their own definitions and categories for reporting incidents, which makes comparative research difficult"
  • "There are also often inconsistencies in the categories used to describe perpetrators e e.g. terrorist, state actors, non-state actor e and these categories have legal ramifications under both International Humanitarian Law and in national legal frameworks. Although a standardizing of terminology and scope of study would be welcome, this has proven difficult."
  • "Although violence directly affecting health service delivery in complex security environments has received a great deal of media attention, there is very little publically available research, particularly peer-reviewed, original research."


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The data is visualized via a Dashboard for the Provider and Operational Analytics for the Organizations.

ž   Dashboard: Easily manage all of your patient communications with a concise dashboard for your provider profile, session scheduling and application settings. Also, view your patient’s profiles, session history and tracked progress.

ž   Operational Analytics: Cloud 9’s Personal Mental Health Record allows patients access from their mobile device that is always in reach. This creates exponentially more clinical data points to produce new recovery plans and accurate operational guidelines. Providers can then push adaptable, updated messages and reminders. Behavioral Health Provider & HR Optimization ensures high demand providers are accessed efficiently throughout care cycle, so “the right staff is with the right patient at the right time”. Managers easily leverage these new insights through Cloud 9’s Administrative Analytics.



The article uses Fukushima as a catalyst to progress the discussion of creating a effective Nuclear Emergency Response Team.  Schmid uses the examples of the unexpected flow of events to support the unprecedented need for a diverse group of individulals, not just "Scientific Elites". She compares the responses fromthe 1979 Three Mile Island incident to the current state of respond to show how little has changed dispite the short lived boost in attention.



The convention can be applying to a State that is possibly involving in nuclear activities or might  have any nuclear effects to the surroundings. Or the state that can notify the accidents that in  the other states.   Due to 22 September 2014, there are 119 parties (states) subject to entry into force with 69  states signed the convention (Convention – Latest Status). 



Doctors without Borders is a group that not only responds to emergencies and disasters, they also create predictions to problems that are affecting third-world communities. The research that best embodies this is the research conducted regaurding the  'Effect of Mass Supplementation with Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food during an Anticipated Nutritional Emergency' they used this information gathered in Niger to prove that with early intervention in children ages 6 to 23 months you can reduce mortality rate in areas at risk for nutritional deficiency crisis'.


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The translation for the system is managed by Transifex (not Ushahidi owned) with monthly plans for localised translation. In the case that the user not comfortable with English might be an issue to work with the system. Especially the reporters from the hard-reach areas with fewer educations. (They might deal with the problem of using technologies.)