Editing with Contributor
Editing with Contributor
The convention in 1951 was a response to WW2 and the vast amounts of refugees that existed as a result. States involved in the convention and the UN could decide to apply it to refugees not necessarily from WW2, but in 1967, the limits were removed and made it so that it could apply to any refugees, not just those from WW2. It has since been used during major refugee crises in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
One of the main arguments in this publication is that the spread of illness is often determined by social forces. For example, impoverished individuals may be more susceptible to illness because they cannot afford the proper treatment, not because they are more likely to contract the illness. This is described as structural violence: socio-structural factors that prevent people from achieving their full potential, e.g. receiving medical care.
This program is located at Tulane University in New Orleans, but has partnership with Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Uganda, and the US.
The report has been cited by many other articles and reports including ones published by the NIH
The author of this article did a lot of interviews of locals and officials in the area as a means of obtaining information. Research was also drawn from other online sources.
The main point of this article is to argue how the EPA falsely stated that the air quality around the site of the tower collapses in the day following 9/11 was safe. They argue this by stating that the building was constructed of 2,000 tons of asbestos and 424,000 tons of concrete which generated millions of tons of dust around the site of the collapse, per EPA estimates. They also argue that the EPA is at fault for making false statements of security and should be mandated to fund the cleanup process.
REMM (Radiation Emergency Medical Management) is produced by US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, the National Library of Medicine, the National Cancer Institute, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
According to Google Scholar, this article has been cited 85 times. This is a pretty large amount of citations, which are primarily articles regarding societal effects of distress and disasters.
C-URGE is a Doctoral Network centered in the Department of Anthropology at KU Leuven, Belgium, training doctoral candidates to research different perceptions on environmental and climatological urg