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Annotation of

The organization has the infrastructure of the Federal government, however they operate in areas that are more rural, including Alaska and the Southwest where environmental issues such as clean drinking water can be present, which they address in their community health approach. All members also are allowed access to the internet, which I'm assuming is available at each of their locations.

Child Poverty Statistics

This is important because it shows us exactly what is going with lower income families and shows how the minorities are the ones that are actually suffering.

Poverty Rate Explained

Explains what exactly the poverty line is for Newark families and how much are below or in danger of being in poverty.

Sick flip, dude

A common problem we face in our EMS system is not always knowing what to expect when we arrive on the scene of a call.

Allergic to breakups (and alcohol)

 This call was dispatched as a bravo determinant EMS call for an allergic reaction. I was the crew chief on this call with a crew consisting of myself, a driver, and one attendant.