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The NYS Ebola Preparedness Plan was developed by the Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo in collaboration with the New York State Department of Health, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York State Police, Office of Health Commissioner Howard A. Zucker, and various hospitals throughout New York and New York City.


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Legislation including the Indian Healthcare Improvement Act and the Snyder Act are the bases on which the IHS was founded. The passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care act by President Obama is the cornerstone of the IHS, however no single event seems to shape the agency's way of approaching health.



The US Department of Veterans Affairs is a federal organization with cabinet-level status. The DVA employs approximately 345,000 people across hundreds of facilities and is headed by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. The DVA offers benefits such as healthcare, education, and financial assistance to 21.8 million veterans and their families as of 2014.  



This artical taliking about new jersey urban water quality. Now CSO finding a solution to that hazard. It allready taken substantial steps toward reducing or ending overflows. This “solids and floatables” control is an example of system optimization,This also has reduced the amount of trash getting dumped into waterways via CSO outfalls.