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The first listed author on the paper is Ludgivar Foghammar. Foghammar is a research fellow at Stockholm International Peace Institute (SIPI) and specializes in economics, politcal science, and global health. The second author listed is Suyoun Jang, a researcher at SIPI studies the fragile states of, security, and developement of Korean Culture. A article of note from Jang is titled 'If you can read this, you probably don't live in a dangerous place'.

If you can read this, you probably don't live in a dangerous place (B



The article involves several disasters throughout American history. The article examines the similarities and differences between the events, their responses, and the policies enacted because of them. The 1814 burning Capitol Building, Hague Street boiler explosion, and the attack on the WTC in 2001 are examples used by the author. The article makes the argument that the investigations resulted in recommendations for change to policy to prevent future damage.



“The response to the disaster was recognized as a bureaucratic nightmare that, regardless of the intent of the federal and state governments, appeared to homeowners as a sign of their having been abandoned.”

"What I experienced was coming back to the devastation of the city. No grocery stores, no cell phone service, certainly no phone service, no regular phone service. We actually had to get other cell phones. You know, it was a ghost town."

'“Chronic disaster syndrome” thus refers in this analysis to the cluster of trauma-and posttrauma-related phenomena that are at once individual, social, and political and that are associated with disaster as simultaneously causative and experiential of a chronic condition of distress in relation to displacement."