Timeline of Biomass in Eastern North Carolina
This timeline documents the emergence and evolution of the biomass industry in Eastern North Carolina.
Politics of Hate in Southern California
This is my description.
EthnoSketch: Competing Hegemonies
Ethnography, at its best, provides a powerful and efficient way to read historical conditions.
EthnoSketch: Peopling a Project
On the "peopling" sketch, "catalysts" are things (money, honorable reputation, etc) that enable that group of people to get what they want.
EthnoSketch: Historicizing a Project
This sketch should include at least ten events that had significance in the historical build up to your project space -- from your perspective, and from the perspective of people in your various “d
EthnoSketch: Mapping Subject Positions
In this sketch, compile statements made by a particular subject or type of subject you are studying.
Dhruv.Patelone of the main vulnerabilities is that there is a large amounts of sewage and trash polluting the water and it gets sucked into the overflow system that are used to prevent flooding. this further pollutes the surrounding are and further poisons the environment.
Dhruv.PatelNew York governor Andrew Cuomo ordered over 2000 National Guard troops were deployed to Long Island, New York City , and the hudson valley. Defense secretary Leon panetta had issued a prepare-to-deploy order in case the hurricane relief effort needed more support. Each service had to have 6,500 active duty troops ready in case they were called upon.
This statement outlines our goals for the Biomass project, what materials we assembled, and our guiding theoretical compasses for analysis of our work during Dr.