Omar Pérez: Submarine Roots, Resisting (un)natural disasters
omarperezI am interested in seeing how social ties and networks have been used to cope with (un)natural disasters. My research focus on places under disasters conditions such as Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria, in which social ties have made the difference between life and death. Furthermore, “natural” disaster has been used to approved austerity measures and unjust policies to impoverished communities like in New Orleans after Katrina. These policies were not new, as they are rooted in structures of power to preserve the status quo. Yet, people have resisted, “through a network of branches, cultures, and geographies” that has stimulated a reflective process of looking within for solutions rather than outside. As often this outside solutions are not only detached from community’s reality but can perpetuate social injustices and inequalities.
McKittrick, K., & Woods, C. A. (Eds.). (2007). Black geographies and the politics of place. South End Press.
Bullard, R. D., & Wright, B. (Eds.). (2009). Race, place, and environmental justice after Hurricane Katrina: Struggles to reclaim, rebuild, and revitalize New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. Westview Press.
Environmental Justice framing implications in the EIS
The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is a document required by the National Environmental Policy Act
Environmental Justice Framing Implications in the EIS. Essay Bibliography
This is the PECE essay bibliography for:
EPA Database on EISs
This (EIS) database provides information about EISs provided by federal agencies, and EPA's comments concerning the EIS process.
ciera.williamsThe film largely plays on emotional appeals and drama. By documenting the interviews of the doctors, which often are about the other doctors, the viewers see just how hard it is to detach ones self from their work. There is a scene in which the doctors talk about how, despite all the issues they face in the medical setting, everything at the end of the day is about personal relationships. It even briefly touches on sex between the medical staff and how that contributes to the care given. Since the film is based on personal interviews, little to no scientific information is given about the disease and injuries seen; its all based on personal opinion.
ciera.williamsThe article is largely a review/update on the state of the research being done into disaster-related mental health conditions. Thus all the support for the arguments is research based rather than example based. The author backs up their definition of disasters in three categories: natural, human-made nonintentional, and human-made intentional. These criteria affect the outcomes for the psyches of the victims, with the human-made disasters carrying more weight, particularily the intentional ones.
PTSD has been continually supported in literature, and the author simply recites sources of research dating back to the Vietnam War. The WHO has since devleoped more detailed planning tools and treatment tools for victims of trauma.
The authors also cite multiple levels of research into the risk factors for multiple mental health issues, regardless of and related to specific disasters.
ciera.williamsThe app is from ISCE, and has some "offline servers" (whatever that means) that it stores information on. The app is sold through the apple app store.
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