BLM's Land Ownership/Jurisdiction National Data
This map shows federal and state lands, demarcating federal land that falls under the management of the Department of Defense, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, Bureau of Indian Aff
City of St. Louis Open Data
City of St. Louis Open Data
BLM's Data Portal
This site contains publicly available data about BLM-managed areas.
"Gateway Communities: Not all have tight connections with their national parks"
This article describes how some gateway communities are not closely tied to the surrounding parks and at time antagonistic toward federal lands, pushing back against the ways that tourism shape the
Flaring Hydrocarbons on Public Lands
This website describes policies and practices around flaring hydrocarbons on public lands. The regulations around flaring for oil companies were loosened in 2018.
Air Pollution in National Parks
This article summarizes a report produced by the National Parks Conservation Association that found that 85 percent of U.S.
Sandstone and Petroleum on the Colorado Plateau
This article, written in 2007, describes the geologic conditions that result in petroleum reserves in/on the Colorado plateau and considers what this means for Utah's oil future.
"For The Navajo Nation, Uranium Mining's Deadly Legacy Lingers" (NPR)
This article describes the enduring effects of uranium mining on the Navajo Nation, located in the southwest U.S.
This database (which can be visualized on an interactive map or searched for documents/fact sheets) houses information on drinking water, water quality, air quality, environmental response & re