Pecan Street Inc.
Pecan Street Inc.
UT Austin Energy Institute
UT Austin’s engineering department, Dr. Webber included, has a strong national presence in energy science.
Webber Energy Group
The Webber Energy Group is a subgroup within the engineering department of University of Texas Austin that specializes in issues concerning energy and water efficiency.
Austin Sierra Club
Austin's local branch of the Sierra Club that organizes around environmental issues including air quality, climate change, energy, transportation, and wildlife.
Austin Energy
Austin Energy is Austin's community-owned utility company.
CleanTx is an economic development organization that advocates for the development of Austin’s “clean tech” industry.
Solar Austin
Solar Austin, a local solar advocacy group, is dedicated to accelerating Austin’s transition to clean energy in a way that also strengthens the local economy.
Mapping Austin's Power Plants
This image is a screen shot of Austin's power system infrastructure taken from Energy Justice Network's community mapping website.
Michael Webber argues against the assumption that the adoption of renewables poses a threat the to reliability of the electric grid.
Austin’s numerous city-programs—including the Water/Wastewater Department’s Dillo Dirt, Keep Austin Beautiful, Water Conservation, Austin Recycles, Energy Conservation, Public Works, Green Builders