Writing an Advocacy Letter example: Fortun, Kim Comment on Santa Ana General Plan
Supporting document for the Seeds to Solution/CCEJP curriculum project
Supporting document (part of the Seeds to Solutions/CCEJP curriculum)
Why teach data divergence?
Teaching data divergence extends and complicates data literacy initiatives.
Event | Envisioning Next Generation Radiation Governance: Remembering Fukushima, 2021
Envisioning Next Generation Radiation Governance: Archiving, Regulation, Education, Places
Careers in Environmental Governance Speaker Series: Todd Sax Transcript
A transcript of the interview and dialogue between EcoGovLab and Assistant Division Chief at CARB Todd Sax from EcoGovLab's Careers in Environmental Governance Speaker Series
Careers in Environmental Governance Speaker Series: Clancy De Smet Transcript
A transcript of the interview and dialogue between EcoGovLab and Climate Change Adaptation Specialist Clancy De Smet from EcoGovLab's Careers in Environmental Governance Speaker Series
Recommended readings and watchings for the concept, cumulative impacts.