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The Value of Hands-On Learning

This quote was taken from an interview between Alison Kenner and a participant of one of the 2019 Weather Ready Homes workshops.

Investing in the Community

This quote was taken from an interview between Alison Kenner and a participant of one of the 2019 Weather Ready Homes workshops.

Gaining a Community's Trust

This quote was taken from an interview between Alison Kenner and a participant of one of the 2019 Weather Ready Homes workshops.

My Preparedness Plan

This planning sheet, created by the Philadelphia Department of Public Health, was provided to the participants of the 2019 Emergency Preparedness Workshop presented at Rensselaer Polytechnic Instit

FEMA Emergency Supply Checklist

This checklist was provided to the participants of the 2019 Emergency Preparedness Workshop presented at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in October 2019.