Austin Rhetoric Field Team
This essay will serve as the workspace for the Austin Anthropocene Campus Rhetoric Field Team.
Rhetoric Team Description
Ian Ferris describes the methods and focus of the Rhetoric Field Team of the Austin Anthropocene Field Campus.
sydne.nanceThis study addresses vulnerable populations because it explains that high blood levels, which is a sign of poverty, can have an impact on performance in testing. Even though information was not given pertaining to poverty in each subject, these conclusions can be drawn from other studies.
sydne.nanceIn comparison to other counties, Essex county has the largest number of children above the CDC blood lead level, 5% of Essex county children are affected. They surpassed Passaic County's 3.4%. This risk is more prominent in Essex county than any other group in the state.
sydne.nanceThe article finds that because Newark's population is 75% black and Hispanic, the hiring problem has a disproportionate impact on minorities. Blacks and Hispanics are most at risk of this issue.
sydne.nanceThe author is Cynthia E. Lamy, she is a developmental and National Institute for Early Education Research educational psychologist and research fellow at Rutgers University.
sydne.nanceThis study was conducted by using testing data from 4th-grade students from North Carolina, and comparing if they matched high blood lead levels. This method was conducted in seven counties through normal statistical methods.
sydne.nanceSome vulnerabilities blacks in Newark face are health issues like blood lead poisoning because they cannot afford to solve the issue.
Newspaper article