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Emily Goldman is an epidemiologist with a background in public health, she currently works for NYU College of Global Public Health and teaches a course in psychiatric epidemiology. Sandro Galea is an epidemiologist and physician working at Columbia University, he currently sits on two New York City councils for Hygiene and Public Health.



As the disasters studied occurred many years ago and have been thoroughly studied previously this study did not present sufficiently new information to be disseminated through news reports. The study did however provide information of interest for future studies, and has been cited in other articles indicating it was used as reference in determining the effectiveness of research techniques.



Vincanne Adams is a professor at UCSF School of Medicine. She has her PhD and experience in anthropology. Taslim Van Hattum is the maternal and child health portfolio director at The Louisiana Public Health Institute. Diana English is a Clinical Assistant Professor and specializes in OB/GYN and gynecologic oncology.



Emergency response is not portrayed, in fact the film shows the importance of understanding when not to respond. While it is the instinct of responders to always try something else if treatment is ineffective the patient’s wishes always come first, for a medical professional this can feel like giving up but in cases like these it is the right thing to do.