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Editing with Contributor



Three major ways the arguements are supported are as follows

  1. Statistics and analisys of policies pertaining to the healthcare system available to the effected populaitons
  2. Historical background to establish where such policies came from and how they may continue to work in the future
  3. First hand accounts from both those effected by chernobyl related illness and the health care practitioners who treat them.



Liberian emergency responders are portrayed in the film as being completely overwhelmed by the situation at hand and unable to cope with the nature of the illness, people's innitial denial to the extreme communicability of the disease, and the sheer number of patients. Most predominantly, first responders are illustrated by 2 abandoned ambulances on the side of a road and by the story of a woman saying that an ambulance was called to a dying pregnant woman and they ended up leaving her on the side of the road for an ebola crew to respond to, which came too late.