EiJ Global Record Panel 4S Mexico 2022
Environmental injustice involves cumulative and compounding, unevenly distributed vulnerabilities, hazards, and exposures – produced locally, regionally, nationally and transnationally – with open-
California Desert Communities: Community Science in the Salton Sea
This is a collection of community science in the Salton Sea in California Desert Communities.
Deficiency of Shelter Beds for LA’s Homeless
The number of homeless people far exceeds the number of shelter beds in Los Angeles County. This greatly differs from other major cities within the US.
Ethnosketch, Core Categories: CA Homeless
Core Categories in LA Homeless/Shelter Beds
Ethnosketch, Peopling a Project: CA Homeless
Peopling a project with LA Homelessness/Shelter Beds
Ethnosketch, Competing Hegemonies: CA Homeless
Competing Hegemonies with LA Homeless/Shelter Beds
Ethnosketch, Mapping Subject Positions: CA Homeless
Mapping subject positions with LA Homelessness/Shelter beds
LA's Low Shelter Numbers
The number of homeless people far exceeds the number of shelter beds in Los Angeles County. This greatly differs from other major cities within the US.
Homeless Population per SoCal Counties
Numbers of homeless within each southern California county and the number of shelter beds available.
A series of visualizations of the concept of "fast disasters."