Timeline: 親親報報 Qin Qin bao Newspaper, Yunlin County
Timeline about the Qin Qin Bao Newspaper, distributed by Formosa Plastics to residents of Mailiao Township.
首樁六輕公害訴訟民事求償敗訴 法扶空污律師團將上訴 | 聯合新聞網:最懂你的新聞網站
news paper article
2017.01.13-0001 開庭court | Yunlin District Court
The fifth court hearing was a black Friday for the plaintiffs’ lawyers. The judge wanted the discussion to proceed from the first plaintiff and the first defendant, and so on, one after another.
20111228六輕四期第六第七次環差分析報告書面意見函雲林淺海養殖協會 (Opinion Letter)
20111228六輕四期第六第七次環差分析報告書面意見函 雲林淺海養殖協會
Written opinion letter of ring difference analysis report
Yunlin Shallow Aquaculture Association
2009. 98年度沿海地區空氣污染物及環境健康世代研究計畫epb-EPBP0-0994979246-06-01
Reports to EPA
2008. 97年度空氣污染對沿海地區環境及居民健康影響之風險評估規劃第1年計畫
Reports to EPA
2008 Risk Assessment Plan for the Impact of Air Pollution on the Coastal Environment and Residents’ Health 1st year plan
Doloremque diamlorem incidunt, repellendus expedita?