Flaring Hydrocarbons on Public Lands
This website describes policies and practices around flaring hydrocarbons on public lands. The regulations around flaring for oil companies were loosened in 2018.
Air Pollution in National Parks
This article summarizes a report produced by the National Parks Conservation Association that found that 85 percent of U.S.
Instagram Stewardship
This photo essay includes images related to the issue of how technology is used to share information about public lands and other recreational spaces and the debates going on around appropriate use
Public Lands Hates You
"Public Lands Hates You" started as an instagram account and has now expanded to a website highlighting (and publicly shaming) the ways that people do damage to public lands in the name of getting
Loved to Death - The ethics of geotagging
This image is of an online article that discusses the ethics of geotagging and how that shapes the impact of visitors on undeveloped, "wild" spaces.
Colorado Plateau Map (Grand Canyon Trust)
This map delineates variously classified areas of land on the Colorado Plateau.
Sandstone and Petroleum on the Colorado Plateau
This article, written in 2007, describes the geologic conditions that result in petroleum reserves in/on the Colorado plateau and considers what this means for Utah's oil future.
Interrogating Land Tenure, Management, and Use in the Anthropocene
This PECE essay includes a variety of tools for interrogating what role varied histories and contemporary configurations of land tenure, management, and use shape anthropocenics.
"What's your stewarship story?"
This image is a screenshot of a Twitter ad by Land o' Lakes that says "Every farmer's stewardship story is different. We want to hear yours.
The 1976 Federal Lands Policy and Management Act, which officially incorporated unclaimed homestead act land into permanent federal ownership, included a charge to complete wilde