Citizen science and stakeholders involvement
Metztli hernandezCITIZEN SCIENCE
Epistemic negotiation
Stakeholders (indigenous groups, activist, scientist, scholars, etc)
Epistemic negotiation
Stakeholders (indigenous groups, activist, scientist, scholars, etc)
Why is the rate of incarceration in Louisiana so high? How do we critique the way prisons are part of infrastructural solutions to anthropocenic instabilities? As Angela Davis writes, “prisons do not disappear social problems, they disappear human beings. Homelessness, unemployment, drug addiction, mental illness, and illiteracy are only a few of the problems that disappear from public view when the human beings contending with them are relegated to cages.” One way of imagining and building a vision of an anti-carceral future is practiced in the Solitary Gardens project here in New Orleans:
The Solitary Gardens are constructed from the byproducts of sugarcane, cotton, tobacco and indigo- the largest chattel slave crops- which we grow on-site, exposing the illusion that slavery was abolished in the United States. The Solitary Gardens utilize the tools of prison abolition, permaculture, contemplative practices, and transformative justice to facilitate exchanges between persons subjected to solitary confinement and volunteer proxies on the “outside.” The beds are “gardened” by prisoners, known as Solitary Gardeners, through written exchanges, growing calendars and design templates. As the garden beds mature, the prison architecture is overpowered by plant life, proving that nature—like hope, love, and imagination—will ultimately triumph over the harm humans impose on ourselves and on the planet.
"Nature" here is constructed in a very particularistic way: as a redemptive force to harness in opposition to the wider oppressive system the architecture of a solitary confinement cell is a part of. It takes a lot of intellectual and political work to construct a counter-hegemonic nature, in other words. Gardeners in this setting strive toward a cultivation of relations antithetical to the isolationist, anti-collective sociality prisons (and in general, a society in which prisons are a permanent feature of crisis resolution) foster.
My interest in NOLA anthropocenics pivots on water, and particularly the ways in which capitalist regimes of value and waste specify, appropriate, and/or externalize forms of water. My research is concerned with water crises more generally, and geographically situated in Flint, Michigan. I thought I could best illustrate these interests with a sampling of photographs from a summer visit to NOLA back in 2017. At the time, four major confederate monuments around the city had just been taken down. For supplemental reading, I'm including an essay from political theorist Adolph Reed Jr. (who grew up in NOLA) that meditates on the long anti-racist struggle that led to this possibility, and flags the wider set of interventions that are urgently required to abolish the landscape of white supremacy.
Flooded street after heavy rains due to failures of city pumping infrastructure.
A headline from the same week in the local press.
Some statues are gone but other monuments remain (this one is annotated).
A Starbucks in Lakeview remembering Katrina--the line signifies the height of the water at the time.
Adolph Reed Jr., “Monumental Rubbish”
P.S. In case the photos don't show up in the post I'm attaching them in a PDF document as well!
The program is targeted for undergraduate and graduate students interested in working in fields related to homeland security and emergency preparedness.
The study specifically addresses low-income, minority populations, who are suffering the most from the U.S.'s incarceration "epidemic".
Psychological first aid
Cognitive behavioral therapy
PTSD 10-20% among rescue workers
1. Narrative is a form in which experience is represented and recounted, in which events are presented as having a meaningful and coherent order, in which activities and events are described along with the experiences associated with them and the significance that lends them their sense for the persons involved.
2. our own responses themselves are culturally grounded, embedded in quite a different structure of aesthetic or emotional response than that of the members of society being described.
3. They were deeply committed to portraying a "subjunctive world", one in which healing was an open possibility, even if miracles were necessary.
4. Disease as represented in biomedicine is localized in the body, in discrete sites or physiological processes. The narratives of those who are subjects of suffering represents illness, by contrast, as present in a life.
Private equity firms like "Warburg Pincus, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Company" that invest in emergency medical services.
TransCare EMS, an EMS provider owned by the firm Patriarch Partners that served East coast states, filed for bankruptcy; had trouble paying its employees and was losing contracts with counties.
Rural/Metro, another privately owned EMS/fire provider known for lateness, suing patients, and had deteriorating patient care, and was losing contracts with counties in several states.
The argument is supported by findings from other research articles for HIV trends in impoverished populations in Baltimore in the 1990s, Partners in Health research in Rwanda and Haiti, and analyses of PIH's structural interventions (in "The Lessons of Baltimore, Haiti, and Rwanda" section).
1. Nobel Prize winner Joshua Lederberg noted the connections between global inequality and threats to U.S. health security: “World health is indivisible, [and] we cannot satisfy our most parochial needs without attending to the health conditions of all the globe.”
2.Erin Koch (chapter 5) describes the implementation of a TB-control program called DOTS (for “Directly-Observed Treatment, Short-Course”) in post-Soviet Georgia.
3. the problem of maintaining quality control over global food and drug production chains, as indicated by recent scandals over the regulation of ingredients for pet food, toothpaste, or blood thinner that are imported from China.