wolmadThe programs are targeted at students and health professionals, educating them in the Center’s mission and providing them with training and education opportunities.
The programs are targeted at students and health professionals, educating them in the Center’s mission and providing them with training and education opportunities.
“ Living with long-term stress related to loss of family, community, jobs, and social security as well as the continuous struggle for a decent life in unsettled life circumstances, they manifest what we are calling ‘chronic disaster syndrome.’”
“One of the recurring themes that we heard from those who were still displaced in trailers or temporary living situations (e.g., with relatives), but more so from those who had returned and were, in a few cases, back in their homes, was that, even if the neighborhoods were being rebuilt, people had lost so much that nothing would never be the same.”
“But the failure of an effective recovery in New Orleans has created yet another kind of “disaster”—the ongoing disaster. New Orleans offers an example of the perpetuation of a “state of emergency” that was initiated by Katrina but has been sustained by ongoing politicoeconomic machinery—a machinery that ultimately needs to “have a disaster” to justify its existence.”
“Studies of traumatic event experience have shown that most people who experience an event do not develop psychopathology”
"Persons who live in a community where a disaster has occured may differ in their degree of exposure in the event. They may be affected directly, being present at the disaster site, or indirectly, having loved ones present at the disaster site or seeing images of the disaster in the media."
“The key functions of pre-disaster preparation efforts are to prevent or minimize exposure to potentially traumatic disaster-related events and reduce likelihood of additional post-disaster stressors, which are both associated with post-disaster mental disorders. Local governments and communities can reduce the likelihood and severity of disaster exposure”
There are 2 major groups of stakeholders described in the film, the Marine Corps and the people effected by diseased linked to the marine corps camps. The marine corps needed to grapple with the problems of waste disposal and the aftermath of how to deal with the effected people, while the people effected needed to survive the diseases, rebuild their lives, and persue justice from the military.
To enhance it's eduacational value, more of the scientific links between the chemicals and environmental hazards present at camp lejeune could have been explored and not just stated as a fact.
1. The article analyzes the existing international nuclear regulatory groups and determines their capabilities and possible shortcomings in organizing such a group.
2. The article analyzed how nuclear emergency response has been handeled in the past and how goverments have prepared for future disasters.
3. The article outlined some requirements a nuclear emergency response agency would need to meet and some chalenges it would face.
I found parts of the film where the narrator discusses his father to be particularly compelling, because the treatment course that the father took directly influenced how the narrator sees pallative and end of life care and provided a lense from which to look at the rest of the film.
The article was written by Paul E. Farmer, and his colleaues at Partners in Health, Bruce Nizeye, Sara Stulac, and Salmaan Keshavjee. Dr. Farmer is a physician-anthropologist, and is one of the founders of Partners in Health. He and his global colleauges have worked extensively on community-based treatment strategies and have implimented them in poor and rural areas both in the US and abroad. He and his colleauges have written extensively on both health and human rights, and about how social inequalities effect the distribution and outcome of infectious diseases. His work, and the work of his team has been published in various journals such as the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, The Lancet, the New England Journal of Medicine, Clinical Infectious Diseases, and Social Science and Medicine.
One of the red cross' major concerns is the extreme differences in nature that can be found with almost all disasters, and being able to allocate the correct resources at the correct time. It is also a volunteer organization with funding primarily coming from donations, so being able to maintain its workforce and revenue is a constant challenge.