Zackery.WhiteThis has been referenced in "Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima Daiichi" by R Hindmarsh.
This has been referenced in "Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima Daiichi" by R Hindmarsh.
The author of this article is Sonja D. Schmid. Sonja has degrees in science, technology and society (STS) as well as experience in organizational theory, disaster social issues, and studied risk in relation to different societies and cultures throughout the world.
The claims are supported by personal interviews/surveys by the author as well as external data from the state and other sources and studies.
"Does our clinical practice acknowledge what we already know—namely, that social and environmental forces will limit the effectiveness of our treatments?"
"This means working at multiple levels, from “distal” interventions—performed late in the process, when patients are already sick—to “proximal” interventions—trying to prevent illness through efforts such as vaccination or improved water and housing quality."
"Yet risk has never been determined solely by individual behavior: susceptibility to infection and poor outcomes is aggravated by social factors such as poverty, gender inequality, and racism."
The IAEA failed to properly prevent the Three Mile Island or Chernobyl incidents. After these events the IAEA started two conventions for notification and response to nuclear disasters. Since the Fukushima incident, the IAEA has evolved the way they approach disaster and health to include even the most outlandish scenarios and actively trains first responders how to deal with such occurrences. (
Dr. Kramer refers to various people in various medical cases but redacts their names.
The Journal of the American Medical Association and the medical community as a whole embraced “evidence based medicine” back in the 90s and claimed that individual case stories were inferior, antiquated, and a thing of the past.
Oxford University press and the New England Journal of Medicine started writing case reports embracing stories.
This group works in varying social ecologies therefore requiring it to be very flexible and prepared for the any possible social ecology it may encounter. It can range from sparse medical facilities in Chad in which they have to set up working clinics and shelter for individuals to war-stricken Yemen in which Safe health locations are key to adequate healthcare.
The object of the study “Epidemics After Natural Disasters” by John T. Watson, Michelle Gayer, and Maire A. Connolly is to dispel common misconceptions about disasters and communicable diseases. Further, the study seeks to identify the real leading causes of diseases after a disaster: population displacement, clean water and facilities availability, the amount of crowding, the baseline health of the population, and the availability of healthcare to mitigate the disease risks to the population.
1) “‘A confusion between humanitarianism and politics–two fundamentally different orders of activity – can only lead to a mutual weakening of both”.
2) “Approaching gender-based violence as a medical or health issue alters how violence is both approached and understood; that is, rather than understanding gender violence in the context of gendered relations of power, or as part of larger histories and expressions of inequality which are inseparable from histories of class or race or colonialism, this type of medicalisation transforms gender-based violence into an emergency illness, requiring immediate intervention.”
3) “Sexual violence elicited a particular form of moral outrage in the MSF report and debate; and the question was how to justify the willingness to condemn the perpetrators in cases of rape more than with other forms of violence or torture. Should women be !C 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Medicalising and Politicising Sexual Violence 259 treated as special categories of victim, who need more protection? Furthermore, are they the only ones recognised as subject to rape? Should sex and sexual violence be seen as crimes apart, or should they be equivalent to any type of harm or injury in times of war? What is the nature of gender-based violence, and how do we qualify the particular vulnerabilities to it?”