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In this article, the authors present the evolving field of biosecurity, specifically the "forms of expertise and the knowledge practices thorugh which disease threats are understood and managed." The authors argue that the field of biosecurity has evolved beyond biodefense and security at the national level, and instead now involves governments, militaries, health agencies, and humanitarian organizations on a global scale.



1. The study in Baltimore showed that with a reduction in the influence of socio-economic factors in patients receiving health care services. The studies showed that with their increased awareness and effort the socioeconomic disparities largely vanished. Unfortunately this is also underscored by the emergence of HIV which is resistant to multiple drugs. 

2. The use of the PIH model in Haiti was shown to have positive results there, so much so that it was adapted in Rwanda. The greater challenges faced by this group is water quality and gender inequality.

3. Another way the argument is supported is by discussing the ways that clinicians can help to intervene in structural violence. 



"Over the past 10 years, MSF has provided medical care to approximately almost 118,000 victims of sexual violence. Integrating related care into MSF general assistance to populations affected by crisis and conflicts has presented a considerable institutional struggle and continues to be a challenge. Tensions regarding the role of MSF in the care to victims of sexual violence and when facing the multiple challenges inherent in dealing with this crime persist. An overview of MSF experience and related reflection aims to share with the reader on one hand the complexity of the issue, and on the other hand the need to continue fighting for the provision of adequate medical care for victims of sexual violence, which after all and despite the limits, is feasible."

MSF is stricken by the intensely difficult task of helping with sexual violence. Not only do they have to deal with supporting the 118,000 people physically, but they help emotionally as well. Another aspect which contributes to the problem is the vast differences in gender equality throughout the world.  



The author explores the impact of healthcare and immigration laws in France that impact the well-being and health of immigrants. Specifically referencing French legislation from 1997, the author discusses how protocols have developed and been adapted over the past decade to dictate that those immigrants who are suffering from illnesses should be provided care, treatment, and housing, rather than being deported or forced to fend for themselves. 


Annotation of

Hailey-Means’ mental and physical health quickly deteriorated. Her treatment by guards and the intolerable conditions in solitary confinement — complete isolation, extreme temperatures, polluted air, the stink of the landfill — led Candie to try to take her own life.

What they’re calling for instead is a divestment from mass incarceration, along with an end to bail, and an investment in health care, living wage jobs, and mental health treatment that would lead to safer communities.


  • "During our interviews in Turkey, many of the conversations we had--with those suffering seizures, with family members, persons in the community, and health care providers--were made up largely of stories. We were told stories of the sudden and shocking onset of seizures or fainting, of particularly dramatic episodes of seizures or extended loss of consciousness, of years of efforts in which families and individuals engaged in a quest to find a cure, of especially memorable interactions with physicians and with religious healers, and of experiences at work, with friends, and, for example, in marriage negotiations that were influenced by the illness."
  • "As a result, however, the stories were often quite ambiguous as to the nature of the illness, and it was often unclear whether the stories were 'reports of experience' or were largely governed by a typical cultural form or narrative structure."
  • "Much of what we know about illness we know through stories--stories told by the sick about their experiences, by family members, doctors, healers, and others in the society. This is a simple fact. 'An illness' has a narrative structure, although it is not a closed text, and it is composed as a corpus of stories."