Andreas_RebmannThe EPA, who want to prevent loss of life in incidents where contamination containment is delaying treatment.
The EPA, who want to prevent loss of life in incidents where contamination containment is delaying treatment.
In this book:…
But I couldn't access all of it, to my knowledge.
It was less of a directly researched article and more of a theory hypothesized with several decades of first-hand observation and in-context understand of the subject.
Negligible risk for epidemics after geophysical disasters
Narrative review: tetanus—a health threat after natural disasters in developing countries
Infectious diseases following natural disasters: prevention and control measures
Use of mobile phones in an emergency reporting system for infectious disease surveillance after the Sichuan earthquake in China
FDNY - Fire Department of the City of New York, which includes the EMS department as well.
NY police - self explanatory
They seem to support their approach by their own success.
The article directly address EMS and fire and the financial struggles that the industry is currently facing due to the manipulation of resources that are needed. The inability to afford proper equipment is directly affecting patient care, which is a huge issue in EMS. The article points to wall street as the cause of this issue.
As discussed before, the first respodners and doctors had to deal with hundreds of life or death decisions, and the emotional trauma that is involved, through treating the victims of the disaster. Afterward many of these people not only had to see patients pass, but also had friends or family that perished in the disaster.
I used my already existing knowledge of the UN's structure and purpose to further synthesize the role and ability of the UN Special Envoy to Haiti. I also followed up on what sort and amount of aid US AID has been giving to Haiti. From their website, I discovered that they have donated $4.2 billion to date and have assisted in improving legal protections for vulnerable populations. Finally, I followed up on the fact that at press-time, the UN had not admitted responsibility for the cholera outbreak. I found a New York Time article dated 17 AUG 16 that says they had and are making significant new actions toward improving the situation.
Investigation of the relationship between policies directed at undocumented immigrants, and their welfare, and humanitarian response. It looks into how changes in the French economy and industry has resulted in a drop in demand for foreign workers, and how this has impacted the relationship