Benjamin Hoang Biographical Profile: UCI EcoGovLab Internship Program Azusa 2023
Benjamin Hoang talks about her academic and career interests, where she sees herself in 2050, her interest in environmental issues.
Benjamin Hoang talks about her academic and career interests, where she sees herself in 2050, her interest in environmental issues.
A digital collection of material for field activities with LEAN and the community members of Reserve LA/St John the Baptist Parish.
The article cites various studies and uses the experiences of organizations in order to help plan for the future. The authors use the WHO and the CDC as these examples of experience. They draw upon the AIDS crisis as an example of global outreach and of a public health crisis. Innovation in science is discussed and ongoing research experiments. DOTS (Directly-Observed Treatment, Short Term) program is discussed as well and its shortcomings in dealing with TB.
They also use many examples of situations in which violence against humanitarian workers and facilities occurred.
They stress the importance of recordkeeping and how that has the ability to change the future outcomes of safety. I would imagine they stress it so intensely due to issues they had in the past. They also have the challenge of dealing with public sectors and workforces not in their jurisdiction. While they are helpful for those they cover, those they do not provide concern in that they can't protect the workers and avoid accidents and emergencies.
I can't find anything about how it was received back in the day, but with the current refugee problem facing the world, there is dispute about how to treat refugees and other immigration issues. Rhetoric used to describe refugees - especially those from Syria - has caused a lot of xenophobia around the world and various problems regarding immigration.
It's targeted to individuals who want to become leaders in times of disaster. Because this program targets the role and development of leadership and resilience as a means of producing adequate and effective outcomes, this program targets students who have high integrity and leadership skills.