Middle German Chemical Triangle
This collection includes case study research and civic archiving about the Middle German Chemical Triangle (or chemical triangle).
This collection includes case study research and civic archiving about the Middle German Chemical Triangle (or chemical triangle).
They generally work in the lowest socio-economic groups, which tend to be the most in need for medicial aid.
Schmid works to analyze the course of events that occured at Fukushima as well as outline what a nuclear emergency response group needs in order to be successful. She specifically addresses the knowledge and expertise that would be necessary. She also highlights the lack of international authority and the implications that holds.
Through her field work, the author is able to create a concise argument by using interviews and anecdotes by those affected by the disaster in Chernobyl. She also highlights aspects of the disaster itself, highlight pre, peri, and post events that had an impact on the area and populations exposed. She also provides some data regarding an increase in clinical registration of illnesses that have occurred under the title "symptoms and other indequately known states", that show a sharp increase after the event.
Not much, to be honest. I was disappointed they didn't mention fire fighters much in it though.
This study would be useful because it shows the prevalence of overdiagnosis. It shows that while the nuclear disaster did cause an increase in the observed thyroid cancers, this was well above the expected number of cases. While they did not present the dangerous implications of overdiagnosis, this is something that could be researched further. It can be considered a good thing that these cases were found through the Program put in place, but can also cause harm if unnecessary radiation was administered.
This chapter was produce by following the issue of illness of undocumented citizens over the course of several decades, and examining the relationship between how they are treated and social and economic changes. It is linked into changes in policy, memorandums and individual opinions.
Several references are written by authors of this article, showing their expertise in the subject and the extension of previous thought. Their work with the PIH is the continuation with references used from studies mentioned in the paper.