Nwoya Environmental Injustice Record
Photo essay, Nwoya District, Uganda
Photo essay, Nwoya District, Uganda
Photo essay to introduce viewers to soil health injustice in Wayanad District, Kerala, India
In the spirit of life long learning
Welcome to Daniel's testproject
The mission statement of the Center for Prisioner Health and Human Rights is as follows:
"The Center for Prisoner Health and Human Rights seeks to improve the health and human rights of criminal justice populations through education, research, and advocacy."
The center's directors, members, and volunteers establish specific priorities on how this mission is going to be approached. Their current focuses as stated on their website are as follows:
– To bring attention to the health and healthcare issues and challenges of prisoners and other criminal justice populations.
– To improve the continuum of care for prisoners from admission to a correctional facility through release, including improving healthcare access and opportunities for criminal justice populations in the community.
– To advance policies and programs that promote both public health oriented approaches to mental illness, addiction, and substance use and [alternatives to][less reliance on] incarceration and the criminal justice system.
– To engage students and health professionals in the Center’s mission with training and education opportunities, and by providing students with practical experiences working directly on concrete issues, problems, and challenges.
More information on the pathophysiology and disease paths of the terminal illnesses discussed in this film would have increased the educational value and depth of this film.
The main point of this article is to report on an altercation between a patient and members of the NYPD ESU. This article came out at a time when the topic of police brutality was hot, and based on the context i believe this article was designed to attract readership because of that.
They calculated the observed/expected (O/E) ratio of thyroid cancer prevalence for residents in Fukushima Prefecture that were below the age of 20. Observed prevalence was calculated by the number of thyroid cancer cases detected by the end of April 2015. The number of detected cases was corrected for screening rate by multiplying the inverse of the age-specific screening rate. The expected prevalence was obtained from another report, which was calulated using a life-table method using national estimates from 2001-10. Age-specific prevalence of thyroid cancer was estimated using the cumulative risk from 2010. The annual percent change of increasing cases of thyroid cancer was taken into account as well.
Wayanad District in Kerala District