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I further researched present undertakings at the chernobyl site for mitigation of nuclear effects, the pathophysiology of radiation poisoning, and how scientific evidance gained from chernobyl has effected how treatment for radiation poisoning is completed.



" we aim to provide an overall picture of what we have learned from decades of research on the presentation, burden, correlates, and treatment of mental disorder following disasters. We also describe challenges to studyingdisaster-relatedpsychopathologyandlimitationsinourcurrentmethodologiesandoffer directions for future research."

"Childrenexposedtodisastersareparticularlyvulnerabletopsychologicalproblems,mostcommonly symptoms of anxiety (e.g., PTSD, panic, phobias) and depression but also acute stress reactionsandadjustmentdisorder(27).Elevatedvulnerabilityamongchildrenmaybeafunctionof their being less equipped to cope with what they have experienced (49)."

"Psychological first aid (PFA) has become the preferred post-disaster intervention, with three goals: Secure survivors’ safety and basic necessities (e.g., food, medical supplies, shelter), which promotes adaptive coping and problem solving; reduce acute stress by addressing post-disaster stressors and providing strategies that may limit stress reactions; and help victims obtain additional resources that may help them cope and regain feelings of control"



Three ways the arguements made in this article are supported includes:

  1. The article provides background information on what the narrative of an illness is and gives an analisys of what effects how a patient will percieve and present their narrative.
  2. the article presents stories of epilepsy patients in Ankara, who describe their diagnosis and treatment
  3. statistics and analytics generated by studies of the region



The argument is supported through research into political trends - the survivors gave up their own values to support anyone that could help them. There were interviews with the survivors and those living in the area - they dicussed how their lives changed, their inability to find work and their health issues that started immediately or soon after the disaster. The authors also did research of programs to help the survivors - looking at the compensation they could recieve, options for working, how to get healthcare, etc.



The object of this study is to observe whether or not there was an overdiagnosis of thyroid cancer after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011. They did this by comparing the observed prevalance of thyroid cancer in the Thyroid Screening Programme with the estimated historical controls on the assumption that there was neither nuclear accident nor screening intervention. 



Emergency response in the context of "boots on the ground" aid is not directly discussed in this article, however the greater complexities of humanitarian aid, which often do include medical emerency response, is the primary focus of this article.  This article focuses more on humanitarian efforts and gender based violence which can be important when considering the methods and social reprecussions of giving emergency aid.



Delivering AIDS Care Equitably in the United States: AIDS became a disease that disproportionately affected the poor in America. A study done in Baltimore reported how racism and poverty were the cause of excess deaths among African Americans. Efforts were made by physicians to improve community-based care and to get physicians in impoverished areas providing high standard of care. By addressing monetary barriers between poor African Americans and healthcare, dramatic improvements were made and lives were saved. Further studies were done in rural Haiti and Rwanda, which implemented the "PIH model". This model was designed to prevent excess mortality due to AIDS by preventing poverty and social inequalities. It also focused on preventing transmission of the disease. Each of these studies proved to be successful and supported the concept that biosocial circumstances are just as vital to patient care as is the molecular basis of a disease.