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The program is targeted for the entire world. They want to advance science while encouraging peace and furthering the training and knowledge of those who will save lives in the face of disaster. This is able to apply to the whole world, based on the possible size of disasters associated with the magnitude of these types of power. Thus, the goal is for everyone to be involved, and most of the world is involved at this point.



The author uses extensive data analysis in order to provide a perspective of the policy and its effect on France's social framework. He uses history and outlines laws in order to support his argument and bring in data. By using various anecdotes and stories about immigrants as well as his own field notes, the author was able to produce claims and create an argument about the health rights of immigrants. These stories also provided examples of how these health policies affected patients' lives directly. Statistics also helped the author validate his argument. 



Emergency response is not directly discussed in this article, however seizures are a common reason to call  for EMS. Seizures, or "fainting" as they called it, can be dangerous, especially if the patient is alone or if it is at night. If there are a lot of people with epillepsy that is not controlled, then there could be an overload on the EMS system.


  1. "Despite the overwhelming need for mental health services, few residents were able to access mental health support for their symptoms, simply because health care facilities and health care personnel were so scarce. Most health personnel were themselves experiencing the trauma of displacement, and few clinical facilities survived the disaster."
  2. " the months following Katrina, that the suicide rate had tripled..."
  3. "Lakeview, a predominantly Caucasian upper-middle class community, had perhaps made the most progress in rebuilding."
  4. "However, for most urban poor residents, it became clear fairly soon after the disaster that they would not be welcomed back to the city."



Examples from history are used to support claims from 9/11, as the author is a historian, and probably following the saying "history repeats itself" to show similarities between disasters and responses.

Newspaper atricles were also cited to show public response.



"But more significantly, in addition to revealing the reproduction of inequality, the fissures rendered visible by the entry of gender-based violence into humanitarian missions force an engagement with new forms of the political. Humanitarianism’s mission has expanded so that it now occupies a dominant place in the global political arena – whether humanitarians asked for this or not"

"It seems that humanitarianism, as universalism,both erases and depends on difference; on the one hand, it manages difference, declawing it so that it doesn’t tear apart the humanitarian kit, made to fit and rehabilitate everyone into a basic bare-bones humanity. That is, it assumes that difference ultimately leads back to sameness: to some nondescript, generic human survival. Yet on the other hand, humanitarianism is necessarily built on difference – the difference between two populations – those who have the power to protect, and those who need protection66 – those who suffer, and those who recognise and address suffering"

"It seems that MSF workers assumed that sexual violence would bring a particular sort of shame, greater than that accompanying other forms of violence or brutality; and therefore that it should be kept quiet, confidential, in the private realm. This particular approach stems from the historically and culturally situated belief that a woman’s chastity is her most precious possession and that sexual violence is more significant than other forms of violence – of course,the question is whether it is equally significant for female and male, straight and queer."



Research using data from previous studies, interviews, and case studies helped the authors produce their claims. A strength to their methods is that they used anecdotes from not only doctors, but patients as well. Statistical data analysis also helped shape the argument about lack of mental health assistance and research. Their own professional capacity and knowledge also helped present their argument and formulate a cohesive, wholesome discussion.