Pohang: POSCO Museum
Photo essay of wall text of POSCO Museum of Pohang
Photo essay of wall text of POSCO Museum of Pohang
The IAEA is made up of 168 countries and its goal is to promote the peaceful use of atomic knowledge. While the IAEA is against the weaponization of nuclear technology but is for promotion of other uses of nuclear power.
The membership of the IAEA consists of 168 countries as of February 2016. Membership includes all major countries and every nuclear power other than North Korea. To become a member state, a country must submit an application which is then reviewed by the IAEA Board of Governors who determine if the applying country is willing and able to uphold the charter. Then the general conference must approve the application and grant the state membership. It is important to know that a country does not need to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to be a member of the IAEA. Currently India, Israel, Pakistan, and the South Sudan have not signed and North Korea is withdrawn. (iaea.org)
1) The case of epilepsy is given
2) Studies are used that concur with given case examples are used
3) An analysis of the evidence is given
University of Washington: http://www.washington.edu/omad/ctcenter/projects-common-book/mountains-beyond-mountains/explaining-difference/
The Society Pages: https://thesocietypages.org/sexuality/2010/01/18/thinking-about-haiti-structural-violence-through-the-lens-of-m-l-k/
Race in a Bottle: The Story of BiDil and Racialized Medicine in a Post-Genomic Age by Jonathan Kahn
The Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) goal is to guarantee everyone access to emergency care at hospitals (Medicare, Health & Human Services, or CMS participating ones) regardless of ability for the patient to pay for the services or not. This was aimed to open up equal access to critical treatment regardless of class, social standing, or wealth.
I was not able to find any resources that discussed or referenced this article other than this class.