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1) “It has been six months, and nobody knows who is responsible for what. It is a disgrace.”

2) “Six months after the World Trade Center collapse, the greatest structural disaster in modern history, people were still seeking to answer the question: why exactly had the Towers collapsed?”

3) “With the exception of federal oversight, Iroquois set the tone for investigation of modern disaster from the Baltimore Conflagration (1904) to the World Trade Center collapse.”



1)  “Our goal in collaborating with this project was to develop a set of anthropologically oriented case studies, drawn from a community sample (in contrast to more common clinical studies).”

2)  “We invited persons identified as suffering seizure disorders, along with their families, to tell us stories about their illness and to describe their illness experiences - to tell us about their seizures, their efforts to find effective treatment, the responses to their condition by persons in their community, and the effects of the illness on their lives.”

3)  “Data from this study provide the opportunity for addressing not only problems of medical care and public health, but for reflecting on theoretical and methodological questions central to this book as well.”



The largest event that affects this organization was the Cold War, becuase it was the reason that it was formed in 1980. The organization cites the first principal of the medical profession — that doctors have an obligation to prevent what they cannot treat. The website states that experts come together to explain the medical and scientific facts about nuclear war to policy makers and to the public, and to advocate for the elimination of nuclear weapons from the world’s arsenals. 


Annotation of

I feel the movie best adresses and audience of problem solvers and legistlaors. It offers up a HUGE problem, adressing it from both sides, as to give as much information as possible. It seems to leave it off in a situation where we either need to reconfigure emergency rooms, or figure out good legistlation to correct the poblem at the core.



1) ‘New Orleans offers an example of the perpetuation of a “state of emergency” that was initiated by Katrina but has been sustained by ongoing politicoeconomic machinery—a machinery that ultimately needs to “have a disaster” to justify its existence.’

2) “…the idea that they had to stay in a state of heightened response to the pending ‘crisis’- a state they had to already been in for over two years- produced huge anxiety and exhaustion.”

3) ‘This chain of events prompted residents to say things like: We all asked, “Who was meaner: Katrina, Rita or FEMA? And everybody’s pointing at FEMA.” ‘