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Annotation of
In response to

Multiple maps: Map tiles including street and satellite provided by Open Street Maps, MapQuest, and more
Data sources: Map and visualize data streams from third parties like Twitter, Twillio, SMSSync, Nexmo, FrontlineSMS, and email
Configurable charts: Chart your work with configurable bar and timelines views



It was well received in large when it was signed into law by President Ronald Regan in 1986. The need, benefits, and issues brought about that. The only negative was the potential to cheap the system and steal from hospitals by those who are able to pay but don’t. This issue is not really a major issue because patients still get billed and there are still repercussions for not paying bills but if the need for urgent care is real it could save your life; however about 6% of hospital services are never paid for, thus not completely an unreal threat.



- "The importance of the body is basically nothing more than the importance of the body... as labor."

- "The immigrant's body was entirely legitimized through its function as an instrument of production, the performance of which was interrupted by illness or accident."

- “legal protection for sick people was still considerably reduced by a decision of the European court of human rights… a Ugandan woman suffering from an advanced stage of AIDS. The court refused the women’s appeal [to stay in Britain for medical reasons] and authorized her deportation."



The main narrative of the film “In the Shadow of Ebola” is to show the impact from the top to bottom of the disease and the response to that disease. This includes international decisions affecting the nation of Liberia, the national government’s actions affecting the local communities and families there. Disease awareness and infrastructure are the main focus.