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Technical professionals can use this data to perhaps launch other studies to analyze the true effects of the disaster in Japan on thyroid cancer rates in adjacent areas. This study and data finings from this can be used to show the need for further studies on the matter in order to determine the correlation between cancer rates and the disaster. The study overall shows that there were high screening rates for thyroid cancer after the disaster, yet attributes it to the possibility of over diagnosis. This study can open the doors for numerous more studies on this matter. This study can also be used down the road as a reference for anyone who wishes to study the degree of fallout and cancer rates caused by a nuclear disaster. Methods used in this study can be modeled down the road for other disasters, with adjustments accounting for the possibility of over diagnosis. 



This was an excerpt from a book entitled "Medicine, rationality, and experience" by Byron J. Good. This book has been cited in 16 different papers and works. Many of the works it has been cited in include anthropology of the Middle East, global health, Nurse and lay community members and other topics associated with anthropology and cultural communication.


Annotation of

According to the history page of American Red Cross, the organization began in 1882. In the 23 years following that, the organization aided in disaster relief efforts with the US Army during the Spanish American War. Not until prior to WW1 was the first water safety, first aid and health program introduced by the organization, where they first expanded their efforts and scope of what they can offer. What truly motivated the way and thinking of disaster relief was the outbreak of war America had. The organization grew tremendously because of war. In the 4 years between 1914 an 1918, chapters of American Red Cross went from 107 to 3,864- which is astonishing. Membership also grew from 17,000 to 20 million in that time. With this large jump of people and chapters came a large growth in funding and material to cover programs, hospitals, nurses, etc to aid refugees and American and Allied forces. Then in 1918, influenza pandemic struck and American Red Cross was able to help combat that and in the process took on more nurses to do so. This trend of growth is seen during times of war, or devastation such as the Great Depression, Mississippi River flood and WW2. Ultimately, what motivated the growth and disaster response was the need for it. As need increased for care during times of war, devastation or disease, American Red Cross grew, due to those in support of troops overseas, volunteering time and money, which allowed for the organization to grow and gain the moment needed to combat epidemics and eventually natural disasters.



This policy greatly helped sculpt emergency medicine and public health. By giving the right to the patient to have emergency medical treatment required without proof of insurance or payment, astronomically influenced the amount of patients being turned away and their possibilty of developing worse illnesses or dying. In a paper I read, a young doctor in the late 70s and early 80s remembers watching a woman in labor give birth in the doorway of the hospital and proceed to borht her child in the parking lot after being turned away for not having insurance. By requiring hospitals and doctors to see that all ED patients get care, no patient was at risk of dying or complicating their baby's health and birth due to a lack of insurance, ultimately increasing public health efforts. Not all hospitals turned away their patients, but enough did to make it a public health concern and get Congress involved. EMTALA changed emergency medicine protocols but also public health expectations and actions.…



The film points out that there is a clear need for more public health infrastructure. Procedures to combat outbreak should be enacted but also increasing the education of the masses on disease spread and how to act preventatively, as well as effectively. 



This paper has been cited and discussed in 7 different articles according to Google Scholar. Many of the papers it has been cited in have to do with the effects of social media on opinions of opioid use, gun violence, vaccination rates and more. The papers all have to do with public perception and education on certain topics, very similar to this study.



Emergency response is addressed in terms of post disaster investigations rather than immediate on scene response. The political and social analysis of these city areas, as well as the social aspects of the disasters are analyzed. Discussing why the events occurred, how to prevent them, as well as the political aspects such as power and public factors are also discussed. Investigations mainly showed that more needed to be done in terms of preventatives and safety that could have possibly minimized the amount of disaster in some of the situations. 



This article discusses the French laws and their effect on immigration and healthcare. The laws around the retention of illegal immigrants in France to get treated for their illnesses are discussed. Policies are also discussed in comparison with America and other western nations. The law that is behind this was published in June 1997 by Jean-Pierre Chevenementthe. The public health aspects as well a immigrant rights are also discussed. 



This program, as mentioned earlier is set in Tulane University in New Orleans yet has a lot of global outreach. This program's website has a map showing their direct partners all over the world on the front page. Partners include, Tulane University, RAND Gulf States Policy Institute, Louisiana State University,University of South Alabama, Louisiana Public Health Institute, Benadir University, Catholic Relief Services, dozens of colleges and programs in Africa such as the University of Zimbabwe as well as the Kinshasa School of Public Health, other partners includes UNICEF-Mali and others in Asia, such as Moi University and the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center. Needless to say these are just  few of the many partners this program based out of Tulane has all over the world.



It was harder to find this information, but from what I gathered, the concept of national health insurance first became a topic of discussion during the Truman administration. From 1958 to 1964, controversies rose and a bill was drafted, specifically by who is unknown, but the signing of the act was part of Johnson's Great Society. Though names are not listed, it is said that those who previously worked on the King-Anderson Bill drafted this current Medicaid policy and that Wilbur Cohen, Assistant Secretary for Legislation of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, really pushed for this Medicare bill.