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I looked into some of the big fires in America's history as well as the emergency response for them. It is very saddening to see how poor the response was back then and how many lives were lost unnecessarily, but at least we have improved.



This article focuses in on the cutural beliefs that influence how a patient may interpret and relay the "narrartive" of their disease. The article shows a connection  between the physical impact of a disease on a patient, how the disease is percieved in their culture, and how they describe the disease and seek treatment for it.



The policy deals with Institutions for Mental Diseases (IMD), which are defined as facilities with at least 16 beds, and focuses on diagnosing, treating, and caring for those with mental diseases. There are additional ways to determine whether a facility is an IMD. Once this determination is made, this policy aims to set limits on IMDs, as well as specify which services they should provide.



"Anna Pou, defended herself on national television, saying her role was to “help” patients “through their pain,” a position she maintains today"

"The laws also encourage prosecutors to await the findings of a medical panel before deciding whether to prosecute medical professionals. Pou has also been advising state and national medical organizations on disaster preparedness and legal reform; she has lectured on medicine and ethics at national conferences and addressed military medical trainees"



The article uses the example of the shift of sexual vilonce from a women's right issue to a broader issue of gender violence, a description of humanitarian aid and a treating sexual violence, and the use of specific humanitarian aid efforts and the principles that guide these efforts to support he main argument.