Fieldnote May 9 2023 - 6:20pm
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Fieldnote May 9 2023 - 6:05pm
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Fieldnote May 9 2023 - 6:03pm
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Fieldnote May 9 2023 - 6:02pm
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Fieldnote May 9 2023 - 5:54pm
3/25 fieldnote walking
maryclare.crochiereThis policy addresses the issue of mental health, a prominent issue in today's medicine. It helps to evaluate treatment facilities, and defines that the burden of caring for young and middle-aged people is one of the states, where as those outside of the specified age range will be covered for mental disabilities by the national government.
maryclare.crochiereMembership is contingent on each state depositing "the necessary legal instruments", and events are held in many different member states, to make educatiuon available all across the world. Those member states control the direction of the agency based on their needs and funding, so it is really self-run to a large degree. Correction to founding question: The IAEA was founded much earlier, in the 1950's to advance knowledge, safety, and peace associated with atomic and nuclear energy. The majority of the world is now involved.