Lead Pollution Data and Advocacy Resources (Santa Ana, California)
A collection of lead pollution data and advocacy resources for Santa Ana, California.
A collection of lead pollution data and advocacy resources for Santa Ana, California.
Maya is a science organizer with the Orange County Environmental Justice non-profit organization that focuses on low-income communities in the county that are exposed to pollutants more tha
The real threats of air quality were covered up due to politics and other reasons, wanting to get america back to work. Instead, the reports were edited and people were sent back into the dirty air to clean up the scene or back to office jobs in the area, with contaminated air surrounding everything. Decontanimation efforts did not start until very late in the process. Bush did not wear a mask and the workers were told they didn't need to, so they didn't. As a result, there were severe health problems afterwards.
Interviews were conducted with inmates and politicians.
It was created to further outline the uses and resposibilities of medicaid, specifically with IMDs. It places more responsibility on the states for middle-aged people in need of this type of care, rather than the federal government. These changes and specifications occurred throughout the 1970's and 80's, when mental health was becoming more of an understood issue, and treatment of those with mental diseases was being improved.