maryclare.crochiereNYC Dept of Correction,
Legal Aid Society,
Susi Vassallo - monitored temperatures on Rikers Island,
Hailey-Means, Freddie McGrier (both inmates)
NYC Dept of Correction,
Legal Aid Society,
Susi Vassallo - monitored temperatures on Rikers Island,
Hailey-Means, Freddie McGrier (both inmates)
The author Sonja D. Schmid is an assistant professor at Virginia Tech, she has expertise in the history of national energy policies looking at the risk associated with the nuclear industry. She has written several papers on the Soviet nuclear industry as well as policies and political controversies surrounding the nuclear industry and its potential military uses.
The study was funded with assistance from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the Center of Economic Excellence, located in South Carolina, through a program for the Doris Meddin Levkoff Center for Medication Safety.
This report was written using the transcript of the Committees’ sixtieth session, it was then presented to the United Nations General Assembly and published by the United Nations. The scientific papers included in the report were later submitted for publication in scientific journals. The report itself was used as an informative reference for the General Assembly when considering changes to the nuclear industry policies.
The film addresses a general audience, although the subject matter requires a more mature outlook in order to fully understand the film. Although there is some medical aspects to the film, the meaning is based in the emotional aspect of mortality which can be conveyed without previous medical expertise.
The information in this study can be used to offer help to couples after disasters, as it shows that counseling may be needed to help aleviate some of the issues at hand. While counseling may not be readily available with all of the other disaster relief that is going on, it should be reconized as something that may be necessary to help the recovery process and ensure greater safety.
The program provides the graduates with a degree, recognized by the Hatian government and the International Society of Prosthetics and Orthetics as officail proof of training and ability in the rehabilitation technician field.
The apps provide a myriad of functions, some focus on recording a victims story and saving it for use as evidence, while others record consent or a lack of consent and notify the individuals involved that the recordings have been saved.
Emergency response is discussed in the following quote:
"One such intervention, psychological debriefing or critical incident stress debriefing, was developed in the 1980s for emergency responders and has been used with other victims of trauma (46). The technique is applied within 48 h of the traumatic event, during which victims are asked to describe the event and their emotional responses to it in detail. They are also given suggestions of methods to relieve stress (12). Intervention studies, however, have found that this method does not prevent psychopathology and, by strengthening memories of the traumatic event, may impair the natural recovery process and even worsen symptoms (44). Therefore, it is no longer recommended in the immediate aftermath of traumatic event exposure (12, 49)."
This quote shows that the psychological needs of first responders are also considered, not just those of the people who were victims. It shows a weakness in the abilities to heal people afterwards, as this method is no longer recommended. Other methods are being pursued, as the first responders of the world need support and healing too.
A significant portion of the film was looking at the government’s attempts to contain the outbreak, and criticizing their actions. The citizens who spoke complained that the government was not providing them with food and water, and believed the quarantines were unjust and needed to be lifted. This argument was not persuasive as the perspectives shown were only those of the people living in quarantine zones, and the perspective of the health officials who recommended the quarantines were not shown. A the film said, the Liberians did not have health education or information available to them and had no understanding of why the quarantines were in place, which is crucial to determining if it was an injustice on the part of the government or if the quarantines were a necessary step in attempting to contain Ebola.