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Transitional Bunun slate stone house, it is indoor construction and discrip Bunun house setting and culture.

Slat stone house



The article discusses the response to 9/11, focusing on the many issues that prevented hundreds of firefighters from evacuating when the towers fell. Although the article states that cooperation and even the firefighters desire to help more people can be blamed for the tragedy, the article presents communication as the primary reason so many firefighters failed to evacuate. The radio issues that prevented the evacuation order from being heard were well known, and the repeater that was installed to solve those issues did not function properly. While technical issues cannot always be anticipated and remain a potential problem, the lack of communication between police and fire prevented the police from passing information to firefighters who did not hear the evacuation order. The incident command system has been created and modified several times to create a system of cooperation between responding units, which will hopefully prevent such communication issues in the future.


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1) Partners In Health: Mostly known for its work within Haiti and its attempts to alter WHO tuberculosis protocols, this agency appears to be spreading into other international protocols as well. It would be interesting to see what other areas and epidemics they are currently focusing on. 

2) Breast feeding is cited as being a factor of mother to child (MTC) HIV/AIDs transmission. For whatever reason, there seems to be a certain fixation with the "Breast is best" ideology. I would be interested to see where and why this ideal started.

3) As is discussed in the article, the PIH model heavily relies on instituting proximal healthcare into these areas. This, within itself, seems to have a huge impact on serving needy areas. It would be interesting to see how mobile clinics and proximal care during an ongoing disaster effect patient outcomes and care.



The policy aims to provide a framework for federal and state assistance following an emergency. It details the preventative measures suggested to minimize damage during a disaster and to find alternate means of funding, as well as the response goals following a disaster and actions to be taken.



1) DOTs: I chose to look into the TB-control program cited by Paul Farmer and several other global health experts. While this is a minute detail, it seems to be a program which encompasses everything wrong with our current model of biosecurity.

2) Doctors without Borders: Despite reading about this organization multiple times, I've yet to do in-depth research on its goals and capabilities. Recent information seems to indicate DWB (or MSF) struggles to be effective in a long-term way in many of its projects.

3) BSE and food safety: It's been quite a while since mad cow disease has reared its misfolded protein head, but it remains a speck on the public health radar. How agencies balance BSE outbreaks and public opinion can often indicate their level of success, both in terms of job fulfillment and ability to minimize public panic.