Test project Pesticides and Protection Tanzania
testing out building a project
COVID-19 Alert Project
This essay will provide a portal into work in response to COVID-19.
xiaoxLife Box is designed for help people who are victim of nature disaster, such as flood, tsunami and earthquake. It is an air-droppable, foldable box housing with releif goods, such as water, food and so on. When natural disaster happen, relief providers sometimes could not reach to some disaster zone. For example, it could be landslide and stop the road after earthquake, therefore Life Box could be sent to the zone before the relief providers arrive and help the victims.
xiaoxIt is not really separate the populations into groups. People who enrolled WTC responders could have benefit providers. It helps people who impacted in the attack.
xiaoxThis article took a difference approach to the humanitarian reason and referenced from updated events and news such as refugees from Syria.
xiaoxThis study is published in final edited form as Violence Vict. Author manuscript, 2010, through the National Institute of Public Health.
xiaoxThis product is innovative because it breaks a situation of difficult to transport the vaccine in some situations. It fill the gap of the market and offer a safety vaccines transport effectively. As well as, other medical transport which need tempreture controlling could be inspired by this design.
xiaoxQuickly search might be difficult, due to the amount of links and need to dig deeply.
the rice irrigation scheme, Pare Valley, Tanzania