Anonymous (not verified)pece_annotation_1525732206
Hamyetun.NaharThis image shows that as the number of family members increase, so does the annual income needed to provide the essential necessities for the whole family. This may be a problem for those working a less-paying job or a job paying the minimum wage. So, although everyone plans to have a family one day, if they want to save money in today`s working society, they either have to have less children or find a good-paying job or petition/request for a raise in their wages.
Anonymous (not verified)The article looks at the "chronic disaster syndrome" - consisting of a multitude of factors that all act upon a person or family after a disaser like Katrina. The aftermath of the distaster lasts years, and this can wear on one's health if they are unable to return to their normal lives. Being displaced for a long period of time, in less optimal conditions, in a new environment, with new schools and jobs, can be traumatic
Anonymous (not verified)pece_annotation_1475709170
Hamyetun.Nahar"If I`m driving and I don`t want this bottle in my car..throw it out the window.." (Wolfe line 30) - This shows how easy it is to litter and how there are many people who littler like this individual, disregarding the fact that they may be creating a bigger problem in the near future - lots and lots of trash.
"Residents need to do their part in the cleanup effort" ( Wolfe line 40). - This describes a possible solution the problem. If everyone resists littering and cleans up after themselves and do other things like recycle, the problem may persist but the amount of garbage may be less than the current amount.
Anonymous (not verified)pece_annotation_1475709096
hayley.frankThe Disaster Management Act of 2005 constitutes the responsibilites of the NIDM to be human resource development, capacity building, training, research, documentation and policy advocacy in the field of disaster management. The organization aims to promote disaster management as a high priority in the national goverment. They also aspire to create "a culture of prevention" pertaining to disasters that involves all stakeholders.
Hamyetun.NaharThe main point of the article is that child poverty is a big issue and in order to address it effectively, the former Child Poverty Act of 2010 will be revised and replaced with a new act that will focus better on the real causes of poverty.