10 Steps To Asthma-Friendly Homes
This publication from the EPA provides a list of 10 things individuals can do to make the air quality in their homes and make their homes more asthma-friendly.
Philadelphia Comprehensive Housing Counseling Agencies
This publication, created by the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, provides a list of housing counseling agencies in Philadelphia County.
Integrated Pest Management Information
This Fact Sheet put together by The Pennsylvania IPM Program, a collaboration between The Pennsylvania State University and the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, was provided at the 2019
Welcome to the "Weather Ready Homes" Workshop!
This presentation given at the four Weather Ready Homes workshops in 2019 opened up the workshop and provided a road map of the activities presentations to come.
Repair, Weatherization, and You
After the introduction presentation, Mr.
Mold, Your Home, & You
Deepa Mankikar from the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium (NNCC) and Mr.
Plan Ahead for Climate Change
Following the workshops energy efficiency activity, Ms. Alex Skula from the Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PDPH) and Ms.
Urban Climate Adaptation
Welcome to the urban climate adaptation seminar! We are looking forward to engaging with you on Disaster-STS and during the July 31st discussion.
This list, created by the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium, provided workshop attendees with a list of Nurse-Managed Health Clinics in Philadelphia.